Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Disney Work Day

Another day working for the Mouse...

You guys wouldn't believe how much work it takes to keep such a huge place like Walt Disney World running...I mean HollyWood Studios is always so busy yet not as busy as the Magic Kingdom (Thank Kami-sama I didn't get a role there.) but anyway today's day started like any other, It was my first official day wearing my costume and it was cute on me I mean the little apron added a really charming touch even if it was just a huge smock type of thing.

Anyway my day began at 9:30 AM (I got on the wrong bus and got there a whole hour earlier.) and yeah..ended up with more hours began without a hitch, we had some e-learning to do for our role and you know it was nice to sit down for those hours til lunch. Then of course we passed by the Jedi training again! (*cries) and I was like I wanna sit outside and watch it during lunch, of course I couldn't so the best I could do were the Stormtroopers who came in for lunch.

So we began the real work and well for the first hour it was really interesting.  for your pure heart's pleasure here is Jenny's special edition of her eight hours.

First Hour(After lunch): Happy smile, working making salads with my co-worker. Giggling while being all efficient and epic. Oh hey look it's a Mickey poster! How nice! hi Mister Mouse I love working for you.

Second hour (after making the salads and is now grilling.): La la la I love working! Hooray for Disney World! Oh yay more cute kids enjoying their time visiting Mickey! I will make sure to keep your good name as great as I can Mister Mouse!

Third and Fourth Hours (Grilling sandwiches): Ok so I took a break and is now grilling again. This is fun just press two buttons and the grill cooks. How fun and efficient! Keep on smiling Mister Mouse I shall work hard for you!

Fifth and Sixth Hours (Still grilling): Ok you know what?! the free soda is epic! but what the hell!? Grilling is boring as fuck! What the hell are you smiling at now Mickey?! You big earred rat! This is all your fault! All them lies about this being the magical place on Earth! They're LIIIIIIEEEEES!!!!

Seventh Hour: *glares at poster* STOP MOCKING ME! Your customers made this trash and trashed the tables! I shall never forgive you Mickey! Stop mocking me! Stop smiling!

Eighth Hour (ready to go home): *counting down in my head* 4...3...2...1 I am free! Freedom! *clocks out and runs to cast services to catch the bus. On the way in the building I glare at the picture of Mickey and think. "You evil lied to me!"

Yeah basically in my head I was having one of those thoughts of how much I hate my job. Don't get me wrong I like it I am just well first day sort of wiped me out and took my poor feet out with it. So I am like steamed at Mickey right now....

He so knew what he was doing...He was mocking me! j/k j/k.

i love my job I just want to figure out how to keep my feets (especially my ankles) from being all wiggly and jell-oy after standing for 8 hours. I think after standing there waiting for the grill i was like OMFG I hate this! no real effort in cooking...*sigh* Pressing a button and going to do more is just like defeats the purpose of it being a kitchen.

 I will say the food there is excellent as we newbies get to sample the cuisines and we get free soda and other goodies.

I just gotta get used to standing on my feet.  I am more of an office worker.

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